Proximity Code Rewrite Test

I wanted to rewrite the function that controlled the rate of instantiation of the energy particles.


  • Variable rate of emission of particles
  • Rate controlled by distance between two points (utilizing object ConnectionStatus)
  • Minimun flow rate
  • Always fires of particle on initial contact (to give positive feedback to user)
  • Never “miss” a particle emission if faster than frame rate
  • Time code independent of frame rate, aka, can’t use Time.deltaTime, etc.

Connection UI

I really want to show some progress but on what front. I think the biggest area that was missing from the Kickstarter was UI (User Interface). So I’m working on this. The issue of course, like all things, it’s a rabbit hole. I want to address the lack of representation between Drone and Crystal. So adding GUI there would be the best start. The rabbit hole is now I need to rewrite the object that detects distant. Before I had code that was optimized to only find distance under limited conditions. In order to alert the user before action occurs, I need to expand the detection.

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